Lady Clay Shooters Board Members

Sharon Propes, President
Cypress, TX
Barbara Garney
Cypress, TX
Founder of Lady Clay Shooters,
Inc. Immediate Past President
Shotguns have been a part of my outdoor life since the early 90s.
I attended a women’s workshop weekend sponsored by Texas Parks and Wildlife in 1994. I took part in the Shotgun 101 class. The weekend was fantastic, and I learned so much.
One of my instructors, who eventually became a very dear friend, encouraged me to attend the Ladies Charity Classic the next weekend at American Shooting Centers. Well, I went, broke 8 out of 50 targets, and thought I set the world on fire!!

Over the past 30 years, there has been organized women’s shot gunning events in the Houston area. In 2004, I was asked to take the chair of the local ladies group. We immediately began to reach out to women of all age groups, professions, ethnicity, and skill levels. We began to grow our membership base without any difficulty.
In 2012 we officially became Lady Clay Shooters, Inc., a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization. Our mission is to support women in shooting sports, firearm safety, equipment care and maintenance, and low-cost instruction. Our main event each year benefits a local children’s charity.
I am so proud of our organization, what we accomplish each year, the number of ladies we bring into our sport, AND the fact that husbands enjoy their wives joining them on the shotgun course.
Our goal is to give ladies the opportunity to see just how much fun shotguns really are!!

Jessica Forsdick
Houston, TX
Nancy Reese, Secretary
Houston, TX

Kim Hegwood
Houston, TX
Cathy Spangler, Treasurer
Houston, TX